Customs services

As a part of the complex logistics services ČSAD LOGISTIK Ostrava a.s. provides, we also offer customs services. These services are offered at our offices in Krnov, Mošnov, Olomouc, Benešov, Paskov and Šumperk. In terms of customs services, we offer:

  • Client representation in customs proceedings
  • The issuance of import, export and transit documents
  • Customs clearance
  • EORI arrangements
  • INTRASTAT proceedings
  • Customs advising and consultations
  • Customs warehouse (in Olomouc and Mohelnice)
  • Temporary warehouse storage (in Olomouc and Mohelnice)

For custom services please contact:

Head of Custom Services:
Soňa Zlatníková
telephone: 602 239 610

Other services

Sale of used cars

Consignment transport

Rental of used vehicles

International and Domestic Truck Transportation

Goods monitoring

Multimodal transport


Warehousing and logistic 

Air and sea transport

Collecting services

let's begin our cooperation

Does our offer interest? Do not hesitate to reach out.

2024 All rights reserved ČSAD LOGISTIK Ostrava a.s.